Monday, 18 August 2014

you can twist but please don't shout

Greetings earthlings: shall we just ignore the fact I haven't blogged for nearly a year and get on with the good stuff? It's the summer holidays; I have nothing to do except ignore the extra reading and uni application preparation and spend 2 hours painting my face before assaulting the camera lens by shoving said face in front of it!

really should have edited out those nostril hairs

In all seriousness though, the 1960s are a favourite era of mine - fashion, music and culture-wise - and even though I dress nothing like this on a day-to-day basis I might start from now on if I weren't so dead-set on looking like a Isabel Marant tribute act. This always happens when I assume a different and exciting character - take last year's Halloween when I dressed up as a fortune teller and immediately decided to only dress in long skirts, scarves and hoop earrings from then on because I thought I looked Exotic and Alluring; or prom when I dressed up as an attractive teenage girl and decided I quite liked it when people looked at me as I walked past (this may or may not have had something to do with the fact that I was early and looked completely out of place all tarted up in a shopping centre at half past four in the afternoon). But whilst you may be seeing me favouring my boyfriend jeans and Stan Smiths 6/7 days of the week, in the end, I did have fun pretending to be Twiggy and painstakingly editing all the pictures into the perfectly colour-balanced black and white. Especially the editing. 

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