Saturday, 3 August 2013

drawstring dress

So this is the first time my face has appeared properly on the blog - just don't expect any scary close ups any time soon from the un-photogenic me (sorry to disappoint)!

The other day I whipped up this grey jersey dress from-funnily enough-some grey jersey I had languishing in my stash. It was actually modelled on this American Apparel number and is basically a huge A-line vest top in shape, with a drawstring waist. As well as being incredibly easy to wear, it was incredibly easy to make, especially since I neglected hemming anything or finishing any seams - but hey, it's jersey and doesn't fray, plus it was too hot to sit baking at a sewing machine for hours on end, so I can forgive myself this once :D

(photos by my sister and her new toy camera)
sorry about the tongue, still getting the hang of this posing thing


  1. Such a lovely outfit!
    You look stunning! x

  2. cute blog love

    hope u can drop by mine too
