Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Every once in a while, I get cravings. A few months ago, it was mustard. Now I'm hankering after raspberry sherbet. I thought that this was meant to be a fashion blog? I hear you ask. Well, rest assured. These cravings are colour based and sartorially inclined. (And just to clarify, I don't want to eat the clothes. That would be weird. I just want to wear them. Right now.)

Anyway, my point is that for the past few days the only colour I've wanted to wear is a pretty specific shade of hot pink. Problem is, the only pink I possess (unintentional alliteration) is several metres of gorgeous raw silk that I'm too scared to do anything with. Time to take the plunge? (into a large vat of fuschia coloured paint sounds appealing at the moment...) 

Or perhaps I should just go shopping?

P.S. Note the #1 in the title? Stay tuned for more garments I've been craving recently. I think it's hormonal.
source 1/source 2/source 3

source 4/source 5

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

eiffel tower skirt

If I were prouder, I would tell you that I completed this skirt well in time of the occasion it was made for, and that every stitch and slick of paint was lovingly and painstakingly undertaken with the utmost care. You don't need to know that I finished it the night before the ball I wore it to, or that I decided it would be a good idea to try and hand paint that amount of silk in approximately 4 art lessons. Nevertheless my struggles with the unruly tube of paint amused my classmates (apart from the ones I squirted it all over), and the less-than-perfect motif was intentionally 'rustic'. Promise.

It has a tulle underlay!

The waistband is black satin ribbon (just ignore the creases)

Plus, it's actually circular. Proof:

And here's a gratuitous close-up of the print-inspired by the structure of the Eiffel Tower.

Finally, here's my jive-ready outfit of the night. I had to cut off my head (on the photo, not in real life) because all the photos were really hideous and I wouldn't want to put you off your breakfast/lunch/dinner....

p.s. all photos taken by my sister

Sunday, 10 March 2013


Well, hello there internet. I'm Sophia.

This being my second post (and I bet you're itching to read on having seen my witty and innovative first one...that's if anyone besides my family is reading), I thought I'd start with a little introduction about myself.

I'm a just-turned-16-year-old in year 11 (because a couple of months before the most important exams of my life so far is totally the most appropriate time to start a blog...)

I love to sew. Mainly clothes. And this is one of the things I plan to write about here, hopefully a proper 1st post will be coming soon!

I love anything clothes or fashion related, hence the blog title. If you don't get the pun, please contact me for further information. If nobody gets it, I should probably change it. Oh wait - I can't. TOO BAD. 

I'm also a recent Pinterest addict. Click here, amigos. I do love to pin to my colour board, but other than that my favourite things to pin are probably images of Alexa Chung, striped garments (ongoing obsession) and poached eggs (I like eggs, ok?). Perhaps I should seek out a picture of Alexa Chung wearing some colourful stripes and eating a poached egg. 

I like writing, and languages. I'm familiar with French, German, Luxembourgish (look it up) and Greek in descending order of fluency. This means that, despite my best efforts, my knowledge of Greek is limited to asking for different kinds of alcoholic beverages. I blame this CD. After reading what I've written so far, however, I can conclude that I use too many brackets, and if I go on any longer I'll probably start babbling on incoherently about things even my Granny wouldn't want to read about. I should probably stop now, before I reach the point of no return. See you on the other side!